
47 Styles Anime Pokemon Plush Charmander Squirtle Pikachu Plush Bulbasaur Stuffed Animal Toy Peluche Pokemon Doll Gift for Kid


Earn up to 4 points.
Bulbasaur 18cmBulbasaur 32cmCharizard 25cmCharmander 20cmCharmeleon 20cmCharmeleon 23cmChespin 29cmClefairy 20.5cmCubone 26cmDedenne 25cmDragonite 25cmDratini 22cmEevee 25cmEkans 22cmFroakie 27cmGengar 25cmGengar 25cm-65941731Growlithe 25cmJigglypuff 25cmJolteon 25cmKyogre 32cmLapras 25cmMagikarp 29cmMarill 23cmMeowth 25cmMew 25cmMew 35cmmini mound 48cmPichu 20cmPikachu 20cmPikachus 24cmPikachus 24cmPikachus bagPiplup 25cmPonyta 28cmPopplio 21cmPsyduck 25cmRowlet 21cmSlowpoke 25cmSnorlax 25cmSquirtle 20cmSquirtle 23cmTogepi 25cmTreecko 24cmVulpix 24cmWartortle 22cmWobbuffet 20cm
SKU: 1005005844595430 Category:



As shown in the picture, they are all actual shots. The products are labeled, and there may be color difference due to different lighting.
The size is measured manually, the error is 1-2cm
If you have any questions about the product, you can contact


Additional information

Weight 16 kg
Dimensions 11 cm



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